Proudly serving Florida sellers since 2015


Choose the level of service that works for you

    Flat Fee MLS Listing
    flat fee
    • Listing on your local MLS
    • Listed on Zillow,, and more
    • Maximum photos allowed by the MLS
    • Listed until it sells
    • Unlimited updates and changes
    • All inquiries and leads forwarded to you
    • Free blank forms
    • Access to a Licensed Broker if you need help
    • 24/7 Live Receptionist
    • ShowingTime automatic showing scheduling service
    • No cancellation fees
    • No hidden fees or commissions at closing
  • Full-Service Listing
    paid at closing*
    • Listing on your local MLS
    • Listed on Zillow,, and more
    • Professional real estate photography
    • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
    • Yard Sign
    • Lockbox
    • Listing process handled by us
    • Negotiations, inquiries, and showings handled by a Licensed Broker
    • No hidden fees

Why choose List Now Realty for your Flat Fee MLS Listing in Florida?

Our Pricing is Simple

Make as many changes as you need and add as many photos as the local MLS will allow.

Listing on the MLS without a Realtor in Florida has never been easier! You get everything for one low fee.

No nickel and diming, no hidden fees, no “add-ons,” no upsells.

List your property on the local MLS and hundreds of partner sites until it sells or until you tell us to take it off.

You’ll even have access to a licensed Florida real estate broker if you have questions or need advice.

Our Service is Better

Others may charge less, but they can’t match our level of service!

We even have a live person to answer calls on nights and weekends and provide callers with your contact information. Other companies just send calls to voicemail!

Have questions about an offer or need some professional advice? Email your broker directly – no additional charge!

We also forward all email inquiries to you during normal business hours.

We List on the Local MLS

Your property needs to be listed on the correct local MLS in order to get maximum exposure.

Unlike the big national companies, we have actual access to each MLS in the markets we serve.

If more than one MLS covers your area, your property needs to be listed in both. We take care of that for you.

We know the areas, and we know exactly where your property needs to be listed.

We’re Fans of Unlimited

We offer unlimited changes, unlimited photos, and unlimited time on the MLS. Believe it or not, some other companies charge for this stuff. Not us.

You can also add as many photos as the MLS allows (not all MLS are fans of unlimited).

If you need to make a change, you can do it without having to whip out your credit card.

Ideally, your property will sell quickly, but if not, we’ll let you renew your listing contract as many times as you’d like at no extra charge.

Get started on your Flat Fee MLS Listing